Saturday, 14 May 2011

Anime fail

So watching some anime and see this advert.. I'm sure the anime fans get why this is stupid.

By the looks of it though, Aizen's plans have really been messed up.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Anime plots

Can anyone name an anime where there hasn't been a transfer student enter the class? I was watching a new anime today and I felt a strange dejavu when yet again a there was a new transfer student. This seems to happen all to often when there is a school involved. I guess Japan hasn't worked out another 'typical' way of introducing a new character.

"Oh no! I fell and my crotch landed on your face."

Monday, 2 May 2011

Omegle Chats

I find omegle fun in a way. Just trolling other people. Much better than chat roulette, I will add. I don't really have any good chats really. Not many cool people around. And when you are talking to someone who doesn't answer for a while you sorta just say random shiz. Click the link below and you will see some of the logs that I have done. Although I will say they aren't even that funny but I will be adding more and maybe some will be.

Omegle chats are at this link

Cleverbot pokemon song

Well I knew clever bot would sing pokemon by just putting "I wana be the very best". But I was thinking I wonder what would happen if I slightly alter the lyrics and if it would change its responses. Apparently it doesn't as I tried.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


So there is a big hype about downloading and sharing illegal music and I know what the majority of internet users think in the world. I'm sure I share those views but I just wanted to share some brief words of wisdom.
Piracy isn't cool. Unless you're Jack Sparrow....which you're not.
So I'm sure I speak for the world when I say Jack Sparrow lost his cool after Pirates of the Caribbean one.

Slingshot awesome, right?

Dunno what I would use it for but damn I want one.


Now, I've been wondering how I am going to propose to my 'one' my entire life. And to this day I have actually found my perfect partner and proposing has been something I've wanted to make special, so maybe this pokeposal would be the perfect way to kick things off.


Believe in ghosts? You will after this shocking footage.

Queen Spot The Difference

I was just browsing the interwebz and came across this game. Can you spot the difference?


Before you ask yourself why a cat has a poptart body check out this website. Ok now you have looked at that website. Ask yourself again, why does this cat have a poptart body? Someone in Japan will know. But anyways this is a screenshot from minecraft, our little kitty friend got so popular that someone spent a lot of time, and I really mean a lot of time in order to make this. So thanks to you anonymous person for having gloating rights in creating and spending your time so efficiently and worth while.

Awesome Graffiti

Now I'm not really an artist but I find this awesome. This was done by a guy who goes by Banksy. Now if you have no idea who I am talking about. Check it out now! He's an awesome dude who gets up to all kinds of awesome graffiti.
Cool right? Check it out.

Toilet Dryers

Well I usually don't tend to read in a public toilet because usually while going about your business you end up reading some STD poster or some kind of Condom advertisement so usually reading goes over your head while in there. Well it must have really gone over the head of the people who placed the 'eco friendly' hand dryer.

Wave Hair

When I younger I used to gel my hair so that the front of it was spiking up. This then led to a nickname from certain members of my school referring to me as wave hair. After seeing this I can only wonder what his nickname at school was and that mine was a real understatement.

"Tsunami Bush"
"Tidal Head"
"Oh My G-"

The Royal Wedding

So, the Royal Wedding was on Friday and it seems everyone was really excited to see it and just how lovely it was. I would just like to add that this wedding cost 20 million pounds (approx 33.5 million dollars) to have, which almost anyone could spend there rest of their lives on. Fun that. But well to my point, everyone seemed excited about it. All except this girl here, I'm sure she will look back in the future at this. 

"Just some more boring Royal stuff."

Ant Vs Spider

Now I think this is pretty impressive. For some reason this spider is bullying an ant and then something happens which isn't what happens often in real life and that bully gets what he in fact deserves.
The guy who filmed this posted this and then when it came funny had to do loads of copy right stuff to it. So if this video goes down then know he is a party pooper.

Internet Ads

I would usually be all for advertising on the internet advertising. I mean what a perfect way to get your image out there viewed by millions of people at one time. But surely there would be some kind of line to be drawn... This is an advertisement ENCOURAGING YOU to cheat on your wife.
Lets just take a brief moment to reflect on how many people would actually click this popup and consider using this website to cheat on their partner. You wouldn't or at least your typical person wouldn't.
Although I would find it highly interesting to see what kind of people actually do go on this website.